Competition Rules

1. Tattoo Compatibility

  1. The output must be clearly recognizable at a 25x25 mm size.
  2. Lines should be thick enough for tattooing and should not be overly detailed to prevent blurring over time.
  3. The use of colors should be limited; grayscale is allowed but should not compromise clarity.
  4. The entire 100x100 unit canvas must be used; no margins are required.

2. Determinism & Uniqueness

  1. The same input (seed) must always produce the exact same output—the algorithm must be fully deterministic.
  2. Each input (seed) must produce a unique and distinguishable result.
  3. Every bit of the input must be used in generating the algorithm's output.

3. Visual Consistency & Recognizability

  1. All outputs from a single algorithm must be visually related—completely different styles for different parts of the seed space are not allowed.
  2. The algorithm's output must remain distinguishable even when rotated or mirrored.

4. Technical Requirements

  1. The algorithm must be efficient and render the output in ~300 ms or less, the faster the better.
  2. It must be fully standalone—no external assets, system- or platform-specific fonts, external resources, or APIs.
  3. If fonts are needed, they must be generated within the algorithm itself.

5. Creativity & Remixing

  1. Remixing other algorithms is allowed, as long as the remix has significant changes that make it distinct from the original.
  2. AI assistance is allowed in creating the algorithm.

6. Submission Guidelines

  1. Submissions to the competition should be created and submitted using the Entropretty App, hosted at
  2. Participants must submit a link to their published work in the Entropretty app to the competition system of the event host for judgment.

Competition Judging Criteria

Judging on February 22, 2025. Jury-led evaluation by Proof-of-Ink and Assembly representatives + tattoo artist.

Judging Criteria:

  1. Aesthetic Quality – Is the design visually appealing?
  2. Tattoo-Friendliness – Is it clear, high-contrast, and tattoo-compatible?
  3. Algorithmic Uniqueness – Does it generate a diverse set of outputs?

Seed Details

We are looking for algorithms in 3 categories, each being uniquely defined by the seed set to your algorithm. The possible types of seeds are the following:

1. Entropy

  1. The seed is an arbitrary 4 byte/32-bit quantity.
  2. e.g. [64, 255, 0, 8]
  3. Seed Samples - Entropy-Seeds.txt

2. Personal ID

  1. The seed to your algorithm will be an integer number expressed in Little Endian as 8-bytes.
  2. e.g. [45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (integer 69)
  3. The integer represented by the seed is:
    1. Min value: 0
    2. Max value: 10_000_000_000
    3. Heavily biased towards lower values
  4. Seeds Samples - Personal_Id-Seeds.txt

3. Account ID

  1. The seed is an arbitrary 32-byte/256-bit quantity.
  2. e.g. [72, 178, 250, 161, 99, 11, 142, 176, 152, 101, 140, 230, 14, 190, 144, 148, 47, 155, 251, 45, 180, 193, 157, 5, 231, 6, 0, 233, 6, 35, 32, 81]
  3. Seeds Samples - Account_Id-Seeds.txt


There are several functions provided for operating on seeds:

bit(seed, n)

Get the nth bit from the seed, indexed from 0. Returns either 0 or 1.

bits(seed, from, to)

Get a number built from the bits of seed of the given span from and to.


Get a number built from all bits of the seed, somewhere between 0 and 2**32 - 1 inclusive.

split(seed, parts)

Return an array of numbers, parts in length, each using approximately the same number of bits from the seed.


Return a function which itself takes no arguments and returns a stream of random numbers between 0 and 1. This uses the Prando algorithm. There is also cheapRandomGenerator (using SFC32) and secureRandomGenerator (using SHA-256).


Returns a bigint representing the seed. Useful for transforming a Procedural Personal seed into a single integer number representation aka the Personal Id/Citizen Id.

Can be extended if found useful


Participants agree that their submitted code will be licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and thereby will be potentially used in the Proof-of-Ink project to generate tattoo designs for individuals. Usage is up to be determined by the Polkadot Open Governance platform.